Ways to fix drainage issues in Fort Worth – Arlington
Home buiders don’t always grade the lawn so water flows away from the foundation of your house. This may cause foundation problems over the years if there is not proper drainage away from your home’s foundation. For that reason, drainage solutions should be addressed. In many cases due to the lay of the land it may be impossible to grade the lawn on all sides of the home to flow away. So if your yard has this issue it can be corrected with sub-surface drainage known as a French drain. French drains are designed to carry water away from your home or soggy yard.
Drainage Solutions
French Drain – Sub-Surface
A French drain is the most popular and well know type of outdoor drain system. French drains are designed to catch access water and direct it through a drain to the street or other part of the yard where the water will naturally disperse. Furthermore, French drains can be designed in many different ways to achieve its purpose.
Ideal Landscape Service professionals can help choose the solution that is right for your home. They can hide a French drain in the landscaping by covering with gravel or stone and incorporated into the landscape. They can install a sub-surface drain. A sub-surface drain can have issues getting filled in with silt and mud slowing the drainage but can be cleaned to restore flow.
French Drain – Level Surface
Level service French Drains are typically a concrete trough dug into the ground and covered with a metal grating system. Therefore, it is more obvious, but can be very efficient and easy to clean when needed.
Downspout Drainage
Ideal Landscape Service can make sure your downspouts drain away from the house and typical soggy parts of the yard or flower beds. They can install extensions on bottom of the downspouts to direct flow. Corrugated plastic tubes are often used as an inexpensive solution for direction water from downspouts and can be buried to direct the water within the landscape or to a drain.
Grassy Swale
If you have room in your yard and the right lay of the land, Ideal Landscape could regrade the yard and create a grassy swale. Grassy swales is an area of the yard which is carefully graded to direct water. As little as a 1” drop every 10 feet can provide enough flow to be effective. A swale can help direct water over a larger area or have it flow to an area that has good drainage.
Dry Creek Bed
Ideal Lanscape Services create dry creek beds by digging a drainage ditch and filling it in with decorative rock and some native landscaping.
What ever your drainage issues are, Ideal Landscape Services can provide the right solution for you. Call today for a free estimate!